Interface XSSchemaSet

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface XSSchemaSet
Set of XSSchema objects.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (
  • Method Details

    • getSchema

      XSSchema getSchema(String targetNamespace)
    • getSchema

      XSSchema getSchema(int idx)
    • getSchemaSize

      int getSchemaSize()
    • iterateSchema

      Iterator<XSSchema> iterateSchema()
    • getSchemas

      Collection<XSSchema> getSchemas()
      Gets all XSSchemas in a single collection.
    • getType

      XSType getType(String namespaceURI, String localName)
    • getSimpleType

      XSSimpleType getSimpleType(String namespaceURI, String localName)
    • getAttributeDecl

      XSAttributeDecl getAttributeDecl(String namespaceURI, String localName)
    • getElementDecl

      XSElementDecl getElementDecl(String namespaceURI, String localName)
    • getModelGroupDecl

      XSModelGroupDecl getModelGroupDecl(String namespaceURI, String localName)
    • getAttGroupDecl

      XSAttGroupDecl getAttGroupDecl(String namespaceURI, String localName)
    • getComplexType

      XSComplexType getComplexType(String namespaceURI, String localName)
    • getIdentityConstraint

      XSIdentityConstraint getIdentityConstraint(String namespaceURI, String localName)
    • iterateElementDecls

      Iterator<XSElementDecl> iterateElementDecls()
      Iterates all element declarations in all the schemas.
    • iterateTypes

      Iterator<XSType> iterateTypes()
      Iterates all type definitions in all the schemas.
    • iterateAttributeDecls

      Iterator<XSAttributeDecl> iterateAttributeDecls()
      Iterates all atribute declarations in all the schemas.
    • iterateAttGroupDecls

      Iterator<XSAttGroupDecl> iterateAttGroupDecls()
      Iterates all attribute group declarations in all the schemas.
    • iterateModelGroupDecls

      Iterator<XSModelGroupDecl> iterateModelGroupDecls()
      Iterates all model group declarations in all the schemas.
    • iterateSimpleTypes

      Iterator<XSSimpleType> iterateSimpleTypes()
      Iterates all simple type definitions in all the schemas.
    • iterateComplexTypes

      Iterator<XSComplexType> iterateComplexTypes()
      Iterates all complex type definitions in all the schemas.
    • iterateNotations

      Iterator<XSNotation> iterateNotations()
      Iterates all notation declarations in all the schemas.
    • iterateIdentityConstraints

      Iterator<XSIdentityConstraint> iterateIdentityConstraints()
      Iterates all identity constraints in all the schemas.
    • getAnyType

      XSComplexType getAnyType()
    • getAnySimpleType

      XSSimpleType getAnySimpleType()
    • getEmpty

      XSContentType getEmpty()
    • select

      Collection<XSComponent> select(String scd, NamespaceContext nsContext)
      Evaluates a schema component designator against this schema component and returns the resulting schema components.
      scd - Schema component designator. See SCD for more details.
      nsContext - The namespace context in which SCD is evaluated. Cannot be null.
      Can be empty but never null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if SCD is syntactically incorrect.
    • selectSingle

      XSComponent selectSingle(String scd, NamespaceContext nsContext)
      Evaluates a schema component designator against this schema component and returns the first resulting schema component.
      scd - Schema component designator. See SCD for more details.
      nsContext - The namespace context in which SCD is evaluated. Cannot be null.
      null if the SCD didn't match anything. If the SCD matched more than one node, the first one will be returned.
      IllegalArgumentException - if SCD is syntactically incorrect.