Interface XSElementDecl

All Superinterfaces:
XSComponent, XSDeclaration, XSTerm
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface XSElementDecl extends XSDeclaration, XSTerm
Element declaration.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (
  • Method Details

    • getType

      XSType getType()
      Gets the type of this element declaration.
      always non-null.
    • isNillable

      boolean isNillable()
    • getSubstAffiliation

      XSElementDecl getSubstAffiliation()
      Gets the substitution head of this element, if any. Otherwise null.
    • getIdentityConstraints

      List<XSIdentityConstraint> getIdentityConstraints()
      Returns all the XSIdentityConstraints in this element decl.
      never null, but can be empty.
    • isSubstitutionExcluded

      boolean isSubstitutionExcluded(int method)
      Checks the substitution excluded property of the schema component. IOW, this checks the value of the final attribute (plus finalDefault).
      method - Possible values are XSType.EXTENSION or XSType.RESTRICTION.
    • isSubstitutionDisallowed

      boolean isSubstitutionDisallowed(int method)
      Checks the diallowed substitution property of the schema component. IOW, this checks the value of the block attribute (plus blockDefault).
      method - Possible values are XSType.EXTENSION, XSType.RESTRICTION, or XSType.SUBSTITUTION
    • isAbstract

      boolean isAbstract()
    • listSubstitutables

      XSElementDecl[] listSubstitutables()
      this method allocates a new array every time, so it could be inefficient when working with a large schema. Use getSubstitutables() instead.
      Returns the element declarations that can substitute this element.

      IOW, this set returns all the element decls that satisfies the "Substitution Group OK" constraint.

      nun-null valid array. The return value always contains this element decl itself.
    • getSubstitutables

      Set<? extends XSElementDecl> getSubstitutables()
      Returns the element declarations that can substitute this element.

      IOW, this set returns all the element decls that satisfies the "Substitution Group OK" constraint.

      Note that the above clause does NOT check for abstract elements. So abstract elements may still show up in the returned set.

      nun-null unmodifiable list. The returned list always contains this element decl itself.
    • canBeSubstitutedBy

      boolean canBeSubstitutedBy(XSElementDecl e)
      Returns true if this element declaration can be validly substituted by the given declaration.

      Just a short cut of getSubstitutables().contain(e);

    • getDefaultValue

      XmlString getDefaultValue()
    • getFixedValue

      XmlString getFixedValue()
    • getForm

      Boolean getForm()
      Used for javadoc schema generation
      null if form attribute not present, true if form attribute present and set to qualified, false if form attribute present and set to unqualified.