Interface XSDeclaration

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
XSAttContainer, XSAttGroupDecl, XSAttributeDecl, XSComplexType, XSElementDecl, XSListSimpleType, XSModelGroupDecl, XSNotation, XSRestrictionSimpleType, XSSimpleType, XSType, XSUnionSimpleType
All Known Implementing Classes:
AttGroupDeclImpl, AttributeDeclImpl, AttributesHolder, ComplexTypeImpl, ElementDecl, ListSimpleTypeImpl, ModelGroupDeclImpl, NotationImpl, RestrictionSimpleTypeImpl, SimpleTypeImpl, UnionSimpleTypeImpl

public interface XSDeclaration extends XSComponent
Base interface of all "declarations".
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (
  • Method Details

    • getTargetNamespace

      String getTargetNamespace()
      Target namespace to which this component belongs. "" is used to represent the default no namespace.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the (local) name of the declaration.
      null if this component is anonymous.
    • isAnonymous

      boolean isAnonymous()
      use the isGlobal method, which always returns the opposite of this function. Or the isLocal method.
    • isGlobal

      boolean isGlobal()
      Returns true if this declaration is a global declaration. Global declarations are those declaration that can be enumerated through the schema object.
    • isLocal

      boolean isLocal()
      Returns true if this declaration is a local declaration. Equivalent of !isGlobal()