Class AttributesHolder

All Implemented Interfaces:
XSComponent, XSDeclaration
Direct Known Subclasses:
AttGroupDeclImpl, ComplexTypeImpl

public abstract class AttributesHolder extends ComponentImpl
  • Field Details

    • attributes

      protected final Map<UName,AttributeUseImpl> attributes
      Local attribute use. Use linked hash map to guarantee the iteration order, and make it close to what was in the schema document.
    • prohibitedAtts

      protected final Set<UName> prohibitedAtts
      prohibited attributes.
    • attGroups

      protected final Set<Ref.AttGroup> attGroups
      Ref.AttGroups that are directly refered from this.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setWildcard

      public abstract void setWildcard(WildcardImpl wc)
      set the local wildcard.
    • addAttributeUse

      public void addAttributeUse(UName name, AttributeUseImpl a)
    • addProhibitedAttribute

      public void addProhibitedAttribute(UName name)
    • getAttributeUses

      public Collection<XSAttributeUse> getAttributeUses()
      Returns the attribute uses by looking at attribute groups and etc. Searching for the base type is done in ComplexTypeImpl.
    • iterateAttributeUses

      public Iterator<XSAttributeUse> iterateAttributeUses()
    • getDeclaredAttributeUse

      public XSAttributeUse getDeclaredAttributeUse(String nsURI, String localName)
    • iterateDeclaredAttributeUses

      public Iterator<AttributeUseImpl> iterateDeclaredAttributeUses()
    • getDeclaredAttributeUses

      public Collection<AttributeUseImpl> getDeclaredAttributeUses()
    • addAttGroup

      public void addAttGroup(Ref.AttGroup a)
    • iterateAttGroups

      public Iterator<XSAttGroupDecl> iterateAttGroups()
    • getAttGroups

      public Set<XSAttGroupDecl> getAttGroups()
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: XSDeclaration
      Gets the (local) name of the declaration.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface XSDeclaration
      null if this component is anonymous.
    • getTargetNamespace

      public String getTargetNamespace()
      Description copied from interface: XSDeclaration
      Target namespace to which this component belongs. "" is used to represent the default no namespace.
      Specified by:
      getTargetNamespace in interface XSDeclaration
    • isAnonymous

      public boolean isAnonymous()
      Specified by:
      isAnonymous in interface XSDeclaration
    • isGlobal

      public final boolean isGlobal()
      Description copied from interface: XSDeclaration
      Returns true if this declaration is a global declaration. Global declarations are those declaration that can be enumerated through the schema object.
      Specified by:
      isGlobal in interface XSDeclaration
    • isLocal

      public final boolean isLocal()
      Description copied from interface: XSDeclaration
      Returns true if this declaration is a local declaration. Equivalent of !isGlobal()
      Specified by:
      isLocal in interface XSDeclaration