All Classes and Interfaces

This was introduced for backward compatibility.
The API for handling ADM archive.
Enumeration used to represent the type of the schema component that is being parsed when the AnnotationParser is called.
Used to parse <xs:annotation>.
Factory for AnnotationParser.
An expression which performs an operation on two expression values.
COMBINE/SEPARATE mode has been deprecated.
Atlas Constants.
Transforms the message using an AtlasMap transformation.
A part of custom mapping builder API to implement custom mapping logic in Java code.
An interface to define a custom mapping logic.
AtlasMapSMT<R extends org.apache.kafka.connect.connector.ConnectRecord<R>>
A SPI contract between AtlasMap core and modules.
A plug-in interface for property strategy which read a source property and write a target property.
Rewrite XML document instance to conform XML schema as a XSOM XSVisitor.
COMBINE/SEPARATE mode has been deprecated.
Default implementation of the Attributes interface.
Axis<T extends XSComponent>
Axis of traversal.
An expression which performs an operation on two expression values.
A BooleanExpression is an expression that always produces a Boolean result.
AtlasMap property strategy to map Camel message headers and exchange properties to/from AtlasMap properties.
A filter performing a comparison of two objects.
Extract the name of the components.
Represents a constant expression.
Marker interface that says this implementation implements XSContentType.
An implementation of DfdlSchemaGenerator for CSV document.
It accepts InputStream as a document in order to process big files efficiently.
A base AtlasMappingBuilder with some common utility methods.
Collection that returns the view of objects which are actually fetched lazily from an Iterator.
Reference by name.
A service interface for DFDL Schema generator.
DFDL schema resolver resolves DFDL schema file to be used to process DFDL document.
AnnotationParserFactory that parses annotations into a W3C DOM.
Aborts on the first error.
Parses and evaluates a simple expression language.
Expression field action is deprecated.
A Filterable is the object being evaluated by the filters.
Foreign attributes on schema elements.
Remembers foreign attributes.
Display help information on atlasmap-maven-plugin.
Call mvn atlasmap:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
XSIdentityConstraint implementation.
Migrate to io.atlasmap.v2.InspectionType
Migrate to io.atlasmap.v2.InspectionType
Various convenient Iterator implementations.
Iterator that wraps another Iterator and changes its type.
Array iterator.
Filter out objects from another iterator.
For each U, apply U->Iterator<T> function and then iterate all the resulting T.
Union of two iterators.
Standard XMLParser implemented by using JAXP.
JSON instance document inspector.
A filter performing a comparison of two objects.
A Simple LRU Cache.
Formats error messages.
Gets the human-readable name of a schema component.
Dispatches incoming events into sub handlers appropriately so that the interleaving semantics will be correctly realized.
Runtime Engine for RELAXNGCC execution.
NGCCRuntime extended with various utility methods for parsing XML Schema.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
Provides context information to be used by NGCCRuntimeExs.
Patch program that runs later to "fix" references among components.
Manages patchers.
Reference to other schema components.
Schema Component Designator (SCD).
Schema component designator.
Represents a parsed XML schema document.
SchemaDocument implementation.
Generates approximated tree model for XML from a schema component.
The root node of the schema hierarchy tree.
Sample cell renderer for the schema tree.
Tree model for schema hierarchy tree.
The node of the schema hierarchy tree.
Generates approximated XML Schema representation from a schema component.
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
A very simple TypeSet.
Step<T extends XSComponent>
Building block of SCD.
TODO consolidate with JavaFieldWriterUtil - .
A template-based combine strategy that uses a template in place of a delimiter to combine the input using MessageFormat.format(String, Object...).
Describes the input token stream.
Perform a transitive closure operation on a type to determine if it belongs to this set.
A simple abstraction for a set of Types that defines containment functions.
An expression which performs an operation on two expression values.
Represents a property expression.
Interface that hides the detail of parsing mechanism.
String with in-scope namespace binding information.
Common aspect of XSComplexType and XSAttGroupDecl as the container of attribute uses/attribute groups.
Attribute group declaration.
Attribute declaration.
Attribute use.
Complex type.
Base interface for all the schema components.
Content of a complex type.
Function object that works on XSContentType.
Visitor that works on XSContentType.
Base interface of all "declarations".
Element declaration.
Facet for a simple type.
Utility implementation of XSFunction that returns Boolean to find something from schema objects.
Function object that works on the entire XML Schema components.
Filter implementation of XSFilter.
Identity constraint.
List simple type.
Model group.
Type-safe enumeration for kind of model groups.
Named model group declaration.
Notation declaration.
Parses possibly multiple W3C XML Schema files and compose them into one grammar.
Particle schema component.
Restriction simple type.
Set of XSSchema objects.
Simple type.
Function object that works on XSSimpleType and its derived interfaces.
Visitor that works on XSSimpleType and its derived interfaces.
A component that can be referenced from XSParticle This interface provides a set of type check functions (isXXX), which are essentially:
Function object that works on XSTerm.
Function object that works on XSTerm.
Visitor that works on XSTerm.
Base interface for XSComplexType and XSSimpleType.
Union simple type.
Constants that represent variety of simple types.
Visitor for XSComponent
Wildcard schema component (used for both attribute wildcard and element wildcard.) XSWildcard interface can always be downcasted to either Any, Other, or Union.
##any wildcard.
##other wildcard.
Wildcard of a set of namespace URIs.
Visits three kinds of XSWildcard.
Visits three kinds of XSWildcard.
Selector or field of XSIdentityConstraint.